0800 689 0244
Why come and see a Clinical Child Psychologist?
As Clinical Psychologists, we are trained to work with people of all ages and ability, and can use a wide-range of assessments and evidence-based treatments. You can find out more about what we offer on our pages for parents and professionals.
Where will I be seen?
Appointments usually take place in our office, based at the Woodmill Outdoor Activity Centre in Southampton.
Will I have to wait to be seen?
Most families do not usually have to wait more than a couple of weeks for an assessment. We do not hold waiting lists between assessment appointments and any subsequent treatment sessions.
Are sessions confidential?
Yes. We are bound by confidentiality. The only person who would receive information routinely would be a referring Consultant or Doctor. If we think it would be helpful for others to know some information, for example school, we would discuss this fully with the family and obtain permission to share the information. We do not divulge any information to anyone, including referrers, without prior permission. Any reports we write are shared with the family first and only sent to others with permission. As with all professionals, the only exception is in the rare circumstance when we are told that a child or person is at risk to themselves or others. Should this happen, we would inform the person that we would need to share the information and explain our reasons why.
Do you offer home visits?
To enable us to see as many families as possible, home visits are not offered routinely but can sometimes be offered under exceptional circumstances.
Can you work with my child’s school or other professionals?
Yes. We are very happy to work with a child’s school or other professionals involved in their life, where families would like us to. We would always discuss the scope of work with the school and any costs that would be incurred prior to starting.
How much does it cost?
As we provide a bespoke service that is designed to meet the needs of families who work with us, our charges vary depending on the nature of the assessment and any subsequent treatment. We are always happy to discuss costs with families and are committed to try to make Clinical Psychology as accessible as possible. Please get in touch with us if you would like to find out more.
How do I make payment?
Payment can be made by cash, cheque, BACS (electronic transfer) or debit/credit card.
Can you work with parents / carers whose children are reluctant to attend?
Yes. We sometimes find that children and young people are reluctant to meet with a professional. We can work with families where their children are not present, and we also think about how we can help your child to see that working with us could be helpful to them, and find ways to encourage them to come along.
Can I see you in school holidays?
Yes. We often have some appointments available in most school holidays.
Are you registered with my Health Insurance Provider?
We are registered providers with all of the major Health Insurance Providers. See our home page for a complete list. If yours is not listed, please get in touch with us. Please note that Health Insurers often require their members to obtain authorisation from them prior to commencing any assessments or treatment, and excess charges may be incurred depending upon your Insurer and policy. Please check with your Health Insurance Provider for more details.
What areas are covered by your service?
We see families from across Hampshire (including Southampton; Winchester; Eastleigh; Romsey; Portsmouth; the New Forest), Dorset, Wiltshire and Sussex. We can work with professionals across the UK, depending on need. Get in touch with us to find out more.
Do you provide reports?
Yes. We can provide reports for parents, school and others. Please contact us if you would like more details.
Do I need a referral from my G.P. or Psychiatrist to make an appointment?
No, you don’t need a referral for your child to make an appointment with us. Please note that some Health Insurance Providers may require your child to see their G.P. or a Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist to authorise funding for sessions with us. Health Insurers will be happy to tell you if this is the case for your child.
How are you accredited?
We are Registered Practitioner Psychologists with the HCPC. The HCPC acts as the governing body for all Practitioner Psychologists, including Clinical Psychologists. The HCPC sets standards for training, qualifications and post-qualification development that must be adhered to in order to be registered. We are also Chartered as Clinical Psychologists with the British Psychological Society, who have an additional set of mandatory standards and requirements. Find out more here.